Baku Business Group Supplier Registration Page.

At Baku Business Group, we prioritize engaging with companies registered in our supplier database during tender processes for the procurement of materials and services. By registering in our supplier database, you will have the opportunity to present and offer your products and services to us more effectively and seamlessly. To join our supplier network, please complete the required information on the Supplier Registration Page. All the information you provide will be securely stored in our database and used exclusively by Baku Business Group. We appreciate your interest in partnering with us and look forward to exploring future opportunities for collaboration. Thank you for choosing Baku Business Group..

General Company Information




Contact details


Here you can upload documents, such as catalogs or product descriptions.

1. Company Charter/Articles of Association

2. Extract from the State Register of Legal Entities

3. Taxpayer Identification Certificate (TIN/VOEN)

4. Certificate of No Tax Liability from the Tax Service

5. Decision on the Appointment of the Director

6. Licencias

7. Certificates of Compliance


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